Born in Ochanomizu, Tokyo, attends junior high school, high school and Sakurakage Gakuen. A literary girl from a young age, she was indulged in reading. My eyesight test was always “1.0”, but I had eyestrain, stiff shoulders and neck stiffness, and my eyesight was extremely poor in dark places, and I was always worried about my eyes.
Entered Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine and lived a student life in Kyoto. Every weekend, I had a fulfilling life in Kyoto, visiting temples and writing haiku, but as usual, I felt inconvenienced because it was difficult to focus on my eyes and it was difficult to drive a car at night.

Under such circumstances, an ophthalmologist pointed out that he had morbid astigmatism, and by making eyeglasses with a certain degree, his eyestrain was surprisingly improved, and he learned the joy of “looking well” and “looking comfortably”. I was interested in the “quality of eyesight” that cannot be expressed by the eyesight test. I strongly felt that I wanted to contribute to people who have had problems with my eyes for many years, so I entered the ophthalmology class. After entering the station, how can we improve the “quality of eyesight” from the viewpoint of contact lenses, tears and tear components, awakening to the beauty of tears, which is the world’s smallest sea and the first lens of the eyeball? I did a study of.

After graduating from graduate school, he returned to Kanto and continued clinical research on tears at Keio University Hospital. At that time, I realized the importance of the meibomian glands that secrete the oil of tears, but I am shocked that many patients suffer from it, but no diagnostic or therapeutic method has been established yet. Since 2005, he has developed the world’s first device (non-invasive mybography) for simple observation of meibomian glands using infrared light, and has received praise at international conferences. I decided to make this my life’s work and continue to the present.

In 2012, he launched the Lid and Meibomian Gland Working Group (LIME Study Group) to educate ophthalmologists, the general public, and patients about the importance of teardrops and meibomian glands. The study group, which started with seven ophthalmologists, now consists of more than 250 members and 28 sponsoring companies nationwide. We are actively working on lectures, workshops, hands-on workshops, pamphlets for patients, etc. with the aim of communicating the importance of tears to as many people as possible. Internationally, it has published more than 70 English papers on teardrops, making it the number one paper on teardrops in the world. It also hosts the LIME international version, which has more than 50 overseas doctors as members.

Education / Career

Graduated from Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Completed doctoral course at Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Keio University Ophthalmology Assistant
Deputy Director of Ophthalmology, Ito Clinic
The University of Tokyo Ophthalmology Clinical Researcher
Keio University Ophthalmology Lecturer (part-time)
Representative of LIME Study Group
Councilor of the Japanese Corneal Society


holds patents on the noncontact meibography
R.A. holds patents on the noncontact meibography technique described in this manuscript (Japanese patent registration no. 5281846; U.S. patent publication no. 2011-0273550A1; European patent publication no. 2189108A1).
Holds patents related to noncontact meibography (Japanese patent registration no. 5281846; U.S. patent publication no. 2011-0273550A1; European patent publication no. 2189108A1).
Holds patents related to automatic measurement software for determination of meibomian gland area by noncontact meibography (Japanese patent registration no. 5856385; U.S. patent publication no. 9320439; European patent publication no. 2695570A)
Holds a patent related to a disposable eyelid-warming device containing menthol (Japanese patent registration no. 5856385)
Holds a patent related to the application of vitamin D ointment for patients with meibomian gland dysfunction (European patent publication no. 14818800)
Has applied together with KOWA Co. for a patent related to automatic analysis of dry eye based on artificial intelligence
Has applied together with KOWA Co. for a patent related to automatic measurement of tear meniscus height with the DR-1α tear interferometer


Dry Eye Research Award
Japan Corneal Society Best Researcher Award
Highest Impact Factor Award

International Role

2009-2011 Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society (TFOS) Subcommittee: International Workshop on Meibomian gland dysfunction

2010-2011 Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society (TFOS) Subcommittee: International Workshop on Contact lens discomfort

2014-2017 Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society (TFOS) Subcommittee: International Workshop on DEWS Ⅱ
